
Arrive at Heathrow about 8am, and take a bus from Central Station to Bath (about 2 hours). Once in Bath, we have a hell of a time finding the National rental car place. I end up leaving the Lady to watch the bags at a random bus stop while I walk what turned out to be ~1.5 miles to the car place.

We get to Holly Villa B+B around 2 or so and take a nap. Got up and visited the Roman baths (for which Bath is famous), took a walk around Bath and had dinner at Huntsman Inn. Called it a night.

Holly Villa

Roman Baths

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Just received my Vonage (voip) telephone adaptor last night. This allows me to make phone calls (using my normal telephone) over my broadband Internet connection. Took less that 5 minutes to install. Sound (to me) is the same as a normal land-line. At $29.00 flat-fee per month for unlimited local and long-distance calls, it’s a steal.

I really like the feature that lets you have voicemails forwarded to an email account (as .wav files). Once my old home phone number is ported to Vonage, I’ll be cancelling my Verizon line – saving me $30.00/month. Vonage provides a temporary “virtual” number so I can use the service until my old number is ported (which can take 20 days).

Lots of other features. And if you do international calling, it’s really cheap. I can call the UK, for instance, for $0.03/min!

see: Vonage

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Ok, saw this movie last night. I had read the (3?) Ludlum books in this series, years ago. The Bourne Identity (movie) was really good -enjoyed it enough that I bought the DVD. The Bourne Supremacy, while still better than most movies out today (can you say “Manchurian Candidate”?), was not as good as the first. Can’t say more since I tend to say too much and spoil things. :)

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The DeathStar is here!
Cassini picture of one of Saturn’s moons.

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A recent article in the June issue of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry by Isao Kubo (Univ. of Cal., Berkeley) shows that the juice from salsa has antibacterial properties (it kills Salmonella). Salsa normally contains tomatoes, onions, cliantro and green chilies. The scientists isolated the compound that has antibactierial properties: dodecanal from the fresh cilantro leaves. Science News reports “not only did it kill the bacterial cells, but it was twice as potent as gentamicin, a drug commonly used to treat the foodborne illness”

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