
This Saturday I went to see author Matt Bondurant reading “The Third Translation” at Politics and Prose bookstore, Washington, D.C.
This was my first time at this bookstore; nice store with a good cafe in the lower level.

I recorded parts of the reading. Have a listen!

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I finally processed some more images from our trip to London, Bath, and Wales last August. Check them out on the pictures page…

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Leslie Silbert
(author of The Intelligencer ) was among the authors at the Bethesday Literary Festival (Bethesda, MD) this past weekend. It was a rather rainy day, so I only made it to the Barnes and Noble bookstore – but they had a slew of authors in attendance. Also had books signed by

img_0003 Katherine Neville (The Eight) and img_0003 Catherine Asaro (Schism)

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Kirsten and I visited Alexandria, VA a couple of weekends ago. We started off on King Street (visited shops in the “new old town”), then had a few pints of Guinness (or cider for K) at Murphy’s pub. Ended up at old town at the water,
watched the gulls and someone playing the Glass Harp
and then had dinner at Chadwick’s

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I went to see Michael McDonald at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. last Friday. Whoa! Amazing concert; Michael McDonald has such an amazing range to his voice. He played tunes from his two Motown albums, as well as some Doobie Brothers classics. The venue itself is just fantastic. We also had dinner before the concert at the Terrace restaurant at the top of the Kennedy Center. Delicious!

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