
Kirsten and I are loving our honeymoon! We spent the first two days in Urubamba, Peru (the Sacred Valley) at a wonderful hotel/resort, Sol y Luna. One of the days Kirsten spent at the resort spa, while I went on a full-day horsback ride up into the mountains, visiting the Inca ruins at Moray as well as the Inca salt mines at Salinas. Wonderful day, despite the splitting migraine I had by the end (that I attribute to the altitude).

We then took the train to Aquas Calientes (where I´m writing this at a local internet cafe). After checking into our hotel, we caught the last bus up to the ruins at Machu Pichu, and spent a few hours there.

Today we got up to the ruins (you take a 20-minute bus; nice tour-type buses) earlier, and explored some more. Kirsten went back down early to do some shopping, and I stayed at the ruins until the last bus around 5:30. We just finished dinner at Inka Wasi restaurant (I passed on the Guinea Pig and went with pizza :) )

I´m going to post a complete travelogue (to date) tomorrow, but those are the highlights.

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This quote was on the side of my Starbucks coffee cup this morning:

Everywhere, unthinking mobs of “independent thinkers” wield tired cliches like cudgels, pummeling those who dare question “enlightened” dogma. If “violence never solved anything,” cops wouldn’t have guns and slaves may never have been freed. If it’s better that 10 guilty men go free to spare one innocent, why not free 100 or 1,000,000? Cliches begin arguments, they don’t settle them.
[Jonah Goldberg, Editor-at-large of National Review Online]

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fireworks zoo
I’m catching up, so I’ve posted more photographs on the Photography page, including shots of the Fireworks this 4th of July, the National Zoo, the Museum of the American Indian, etc.

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Jared Diamond Back in January (2005), I went to a talk at the Smithsonian by Jared Diamond,
where he discussed topics from his book, Collapse. Finally got around to putting up the audio files of the recordings I made of the talk: Jared Diamond talk. Don’t be too critical; it was a packed auditorium, and I was using my Clie to record.

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Went to the range today. Haven’t been in awhile, so it was good to know I can still hit the broad side of a barn. Still hitting right and low – need to work on a better squeeze; I sometime anticipate the shot.

380 380
Sig Sauer 380 auto, 25ft. Smith & Wesson 9mm, 25ft

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