Thu 6 Dec 2007
Let’s boycott Western Digital drives
Posted by boz under ComputingComments Off on Let’s boycott Western Digital drives
Western Digital is crippling their network-ready drives. That d*mn RIAA again! Don’t bother getting them if you want to serve up your mp3 or avi (movie) files. Doesn’t matter if you are doing so legally. According to the WD tech support site:
Due to unverifiable media license authentication, the following file types cannot be shared by different users using WD Anywhere Access.
If these file types are on a share on the WD My Book World Edition system and another user accesses the share, these file will not be displayed for sharing. Any other file types can be shared using WD Anywhere Access.
The filetypes include .mp3, .avi, etc. Why in the world else would you need a one Terabyte server on your home network but to serve up media files?
On a related note, I returned two 500GB WD “MyBook” external drives because it turns out they have a bug in the firmware that prevents more than one firewire drive mounting at the same time. Defeated my purpose of having one of the drives as a backup!
September 29th, 2007 at 11:42 pm
That’s my all-time favorite lolcat too!