


Dylan and I had fun playing the board game, Alhambra tonight. It’s basically a tile-laying game where you either lay a tile to build your Alhambra (Spanish/Moorish palace and court), get some money, or buy a building. Allows for 2-6 players; unlike a lot of other board games, it is very playable with just 2 people. We’ll be playing again!

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Preston shades

Couldn’t resist putting up this picture from this afternoon. Kirsten came home with some shades for Preston. He loves them! Picture taken just prior to my mowing the lawn :)

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Charlie Stross

Science Fiction author Charlie Stross is the GOH at this year’s Balticon (Baltimore Science Fiction Convention). I went on Friday and met Mr. Stross and got him to sign some of his books for me. Nice guy!

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Tonight I went to a booksigning and a panel of SF authors at Reiter’s Scientific Bookstore in DC. Among the authors present were: Dr. Catherine Asaro, Greg Bear, Bud Sparhawk, Tom Purdom, Tom Ligon, Yoji Kondo (Eric Kotani), John Hemry (Jack Campbell), Charles E. Gannon, and Dr. Arlan Andrews. The roundtable discussion topic was “How Science Fiction Changes Everything” – How Science Fiction Serves the National Interest. The Washington Science Fiction Association also sponsored the event.

Catherine Asaro

Catherine Asaro

Some (all?) members of the panel are also members of SIGMA:

SIGMA is a group of science fiction writers who offer futurism consulting to the United States government and appropriate NGOs. We provide a new concept in public service “think tanks”– an association of speculative writers who have spent careers exploring the future. Many of us have earned Ph.D.s in high tech fields, and some presently hold Federal and defense industry positions. Each is an accomplished science fiction author who has postulated new technologies, new problems and new societies, explaining the possible science and speculating about the effects on the human race.

The event was mostly the panel fielding questions from the audience. I enjoyed the evening; it was quite interesting to hear the viewpoints of various SF authors, especially Bear and Asaro, as I’m a fan of both. At the signing Dr. Asaro mentioned that the cover of Alpha was her favorite. The artist was going to go with a flowing gown, but she told him, no, I’d rather look like this:

SF Authors:  Bear, Asaro, etc. Roundtable at Reiter's Bookstore

SF Authors: Bear, Asaro, etc. Roundtable at Reiter's Bookstore

Greg Bear

Greg Bear

Greg Bear

Greg Bear

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Preston and I spent a nice afternoon riding some real, miniature Steam Trains run by the Chesapeake & Allegheny Steam Preservation Society at Leakin Park in Baltimore.

Miniature Steam Train

Miniature Steam Train

Preston has been a train fan ever since his introduction to Thomas the Steam Engine, and he just loved riding these trains. They are scale miniatures, but are definitely real steam engines (and some electric locomotives). Once around the park takes about 8 minutes. It was a beautiful day, and the only hard part was getting Preston *off* the trains. The Live Steam Club does this (free rides to the public) once a month. We’ll definitely be back, and with a picnic lunch. It is well-organized and just a lot of fun for the kids (both of us!).

Miniature Steam Train

Miniature Steam Train

Miniature Steam Train

Miniature Steam Train

Miniature Steam Train

Miniature Steam Train

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