If you are having issues with your Powerbook waking up at the wrong time (in your backpack for instance) because the lid latch is weak, then run the following command from a concole window:

sudo pmset lidwake 0

The man page for this is:

PMSET(1)                  BSD General Commands Manual                 PMSET(1)

     pmset -- modify power management settings

     pmset [-a | -b | -c | -u] [displaysleep minutes] [disksleep minutes]
           [sleep minutes] [womp 1/0] [ring 1/0] [autorestart 1/0] [dps 1/0]
           [reduce 1/0] [powerbutton 1/0] [lidwake 1/0] [acwake 1/0]
           [lessbright 1/0] [halfdim 1/0] [sms 1/0] [boot]
     pmset -u [haltlevel percent] [haltafter minutes] [haltremain minutes]
     pmset -g [disk | live | cap | sched | ups | ps | pslog]
     pmset schedule [cancel] type date+time [owner]
     pmset repeat cancel
     pmset repeat type weekdays time

     pmset changes and reads power management settings such as idle sleep tim-timing,
     ing, wake on administrative access, automatic restart on power loss, etc.

     The -a, -b, -c, -u flags determine whether the settings apply to battery
     (-b), charger (wall power) (-c), UPS (-u) or all (-a).

     Use a minutes argument of 0 to set the idle time to never.

     pmset must be run as root.

     The boot argument tells power management that system bootup is complete.
     Loginwindow handles this on a normal Mac OS X system.

     The -g flag outputs the settings currently in use (same as -g live ).
     -g disk will display settings on disk.
     -g cap will display which power management features the machine supports.
     -g sched will display scheduled startup/wake and shutdown/sleep events.
     -g ups will display UPS emergency thresholds.
     -g ps will display status of batteries and UPSs.
     -g pslog will display an ongoing log of power source state.

     displaysleep - display sleep timer; replaces 'dim' argument in 10.4
     (value in minutes)
     disksleep - disk spindown timer; replaces 'spindown' argument in 10.4
     (value in minutes)
     sleep - system sleep timer (value in minutes)
     womp - wake on ethernet magic packet (value = 0/1)
     ring - wake on modem ring (value = 0/1)
     autorestart - automatic restart on power loss (value = 0/1)
     dps - dynamically change processor speed based on load (value = 0/1)
     reduce - reduce processor speed (value = 0/1)
     powerbutton - sleep the machine when power button is pressed (value =
     lidwake - wake the machine when the laptop lid(or clamshell) is opened
     (value = 0/1)
     acwake - wake the machine when power source (AC/battery) is changed
     (value = 0/1)
     lessbright - slightly turn down display brightness when switching to this
     power source (value = 0/1)
     halfdim - display sleep will use an intermediate half-brightness state
     between full brightness and fully off  (value = 0/1)
     sms - use Sudden Motion Sensor to park disk heads on sudden changes in G
     force (value = 0/1)

     UPS-specific arguments are only valid following the -u option. UPS set-settings
     tings also have an on/off value. Use a -1 argument instead of percent or
     minutes to turn any of these settings off. If multiple halt conditions
     are specified, the system will halt on the first condition that occurs in
     a low power situation.

     haltlevel - when draining UPS battery, battery level at which to trigger
     an emergency shutdown (value in %)
     haltafter - when draining UPS battery, trigger emergency shutdown after
     this long running on UPS power (value in minutes)
     haltremain - when draining UPS battery, trigger emergency shutdown when
     this much time remaining on UPS power is estimated (value in minutes)

     pmset allows you to schedule system sleep, shutdown, wakeup and/or power
     on. "schedule" is for setting up one-time power events, and "repeat" is
     for setting up daily/weekly power on and power off events. Note that you
     may only have one pair of repeating events scheduled - a "power on" event
     and a "power off" event.

     type - one of sleep, wake, poweron, shutdown, wakeorpoweron
     date/time - MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss (in 24 hour format)
     time - HH:mm:ss
     weekdays - a subset of MTWRFSU ("M" and "MTWRF" are valid strings)
     owner - a string describing the person or program who is scheduling this
     one-time power event (optional)

     boot - tell the kernel that system boot is complete (normally LoginWindow
     does this). May be useful to Darwin users.
     force - tells PM to immediately activate these settings. Does not write
     them to disk, and the settings may easily be overwritten. Useful in cir-circumstances
     cumstances where PM's configd plugin happens not to be running.
     dim - deprecated in 10.4 in favor of 'displaysleep'. 'dim' will continue
     to work.
     spindown - deprecated in 10.4 in favor of 'disksleep'. 'spindown' will
     continue to work.

     pmset -b displaysleep 5

     pmset -a displaysleep 10 disksleep 10 sleep 30 womp 1

     pmset -u haltlevel 40

     pmset -g

     pmset -g batt

     All changes made through pmset are saved in a persistent preferences file
     (per-system, not per-user) at

     Scheduled power on/off events are stored separately in

     pmset modifies the same file that System Preferences Energy Saver modi-modifies.

Darwin                          August 19, 2002                         Darwin