

The kids were “Bionicles” this year. Not a lot of neighbors in the apartment complex were participating, so we took the boys over to a local neighborhood. They each managed to collect about a third of a pillowcase’s worth of loot over there…

The pumpkin in the picture above is one we carved earlier in the month. It didn’t last until Halloween this year; got kinda mushy (and green). Next year we need to carve it closer to the end of the month. :)

I’ve not been a fan of Wal-mart after reading about their lousy employment practices and the tendency to put local businesses, well, out-of-business.

But now I can’t stand them, and will be boycotting them. Wal-Mart is building a store right up against the site of some magnificent 2000-year old ruins in Mexico: Teotihuacan. That’s just criminal – and residents believe so too and have filed criminal and civil complaints against the authorities who approved the construction.

See: CNN.com – Fight over Wal-Mart at Mexico ruins:

The Teotihuacan construction site lies less than a mile (1.6 km) from the gated tourist park housing the main ruins and is visible from atop the Pyramid of the Sun that has defined the skyline for 2,000 years.
[from cnn.com]

Ok, saw this movie last night. I had read the (3?) Ludlum books in this series, years ago. The Bourne Identity (movie) was really good -enjoyed it enough that I bought the DVD. The Bourne Supremacy, while still better than most movies out today (can you say “Manchurian Candidate”?), was not as good as the first. Can’t say more since I tend to say too much and spoil things. :)

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