
March 2013

It was an overcast/rainy Easter Sunday, so we took pictures indoors, after we got back from Easter Brunch (very nice – Brio’s in Rockville, MD).

First Easter Egg Hunt at the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, MD. The Friary had 2000 eggs; Fr. Michael said they didn’t know whether they would end up with 2 kids with 1,000 eggs each, or too many kids and not enough eggs. It was a very large turnout, but I think everyone got some eggs. Preston loved running to get the eggs. Olivia asked me to carry her to them. :)

The Hunt started at 10am, with Father Michael saying “Alleluia” as the start word…by 10:10 I’d say all the eggs were found.

We visited Fr. Joe at his “farm” plot behind the Shrine. He raises chickens as well as veggies, so Preston and Olivia got to see some “real” chicks. Preston got his finger pecked – twice. Guess once wasn’t enough to register. They had a great time, and the weather was wonderful.

Olivia’s first ride. It took some enticing, but she got on Casey. She wasn’t too sure about things, but every time we asked her if she was done and if she wanted to get down, she shook her head “No!”. Preston was great, and encouraged her. He loved to ride with his little sister!

A Blessed and Happy Easter to All!

Pope Francis appears for first time on balcony of St. Peter's Basilica

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the College of Cardinals has elected Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, formerly Archbishop of Buenos Aires, as the Church’s new leader: Pope Francis