Let’s hope for a scholarship: Just got an alumni email from Dartmouth (my graduate school alma mater, at left), and the undergraduate tuition, room/board/fees for next year total $52,275.00.
For grins I also checked my my undergrad alma mater (Boston College, below). BC is now at $50,970.00.
Mind boggling, the cost of college these days; nevermind what it will be in 18 years…

Over two feet of snow, and more coming down. Oh, the joy! At least we still have power (fingers crossed!) and plenty of food. This is a record for Maryland; from what I’ve been told, this is the most snow at one time since ~1950. Normally we get ~18 inches over the course of the winter. So far we’ve had that much dumped on us just in December, and now this current storm is in itself over 26 inches so far…
Just a bit South of here (DC) and East had actual “blizzard” conditions last night. We just had a major snowstorm. :)
Click any picture for slideshow.

Snow Storm 2-2010: Two feet.

Over 2 feet- taller than Olivia
Snow Storm 2-2010: Two feet, and he's not going to be much help shoveling...

Snow Storm 2-2010: Two feet.

Snow Storm 2-2010: Our Mailbox
Snow Storm 2-2010: Preparing for the arctic.
Snow Storm 2-2010: Preparing for the arctic.
Snow Storm 2-2010: Actic Trail left by explorers

Snow Storm 2-2010: In the arctic.