
January 2006

Brandon Viola Brandon’s school had their Winter Concert tonight; Brandon plays the viola. Some pictures are up (though he was hard to get since he was in the back row/corner), and I recorded most of the concert.

Brandon decided he wanted to put up a website about videogames, books for kids, etc. so I setup a blog for him. Not much there yet (unless you like Starwars Battlefront), but we’ll see how often he updates it. Hopefully more often than I update my own. :)

See: BrandonBoswell/brandon/.com

Shakespeare First Folio
The boys and I attempted to go to the Navy History Museum at the Naval Shipyards in DC, but I got lost (who knew there was more than one 6th street in DC, and 50 S is actually 50 W – and turns into New York Ave)? No wonder I normally take the Metro in to DC (and I’ve been here > 5 years!). Anyway, we ended up close to the Library of Congress, and the Folger Shakespeare Library, so we stopped in the Folger. The Library itself is closed to the general public, but they do have a long corridor with some exhibits. One of the permanent exhibits is a First Folio of Shakespeare, from 1623. Turns out the Folger holds one-third of the existing copies of the First Folios of Shakespeare’s plays. One of them they keep on permanent display. I didn’t have a mono or tripod with me, but I took a couple of pictures. As a book collector, it was cool to be this close to the first printed edition of some of the greatest works in English. The kids were less impressed, at least until I told them it was almost 400 years old. Later in the day as Dylan was telling Kirsten about the visit, he mentioned “and we saw this really old book, like 100,000 years old”. Close enough.

We didn’t go into the Library of Congress (one Library a day for the kids). That’s for another trip.